
Über mich/自己紹介

Sonntag, 20. März 2011

英韓會計單語表/Wortschatz der Buchführung (Englisch-Koreanisch)

Englisch und reine Koreanischschrift
회계 용어 會計用語
대차대조표 Balance Sheet 貸借對照表
assets 자산 資產
current assets 유동자산 流動資產
quick assets 당좌자산 當座資產
cash and bank deposit 현금과 예금 現金 과 預金
marketable securities 유가증권 有價證券
trade receivables 매출채권 賣出債權
allowance for bad debts 대손충당금 貸損充當金
short-term loans 단기대여금 短期貸與金
deferred income tax debits 이연법인세차 移延法人稅借
inventories 재고자산 在庫資產
merchandise 상품 商品
finished goods 제품 製品
semi-finished goods 반제품 半製品
work in-process 재공품 在工品
raw materials 원재료 原材料
supplies 저장품 貯藏品
non-current assets 고정자산 固定資產
investments 투자자산 投資資產
long-term bank deposits 장기성예금 長期性預金
restricted cash and bank deposits 특정현금과 예금 特定現金 과 預金
investment securities 투자유가증권 投資有價證券
long-term loans 장기대여금 長期 貸與金
long-term trade receivables 장기성매출채권 長期性賣出債權
present value discount account 현재가치 할인차금 現在價值割引差金
investment properties 투자부동산 投資不動產
guarantee deposit 보증금 保證金
tangible assets 유형자산 有形資產
land 토지 土地
buildings 건물 建物
accumulated depreciation 감가상각누계액 減價償却累計額
machinery and equipment 기계장치 機械裝置
ships 선박 船舶
vehicles and transportation equipment 차량운반구 車輛運搬具
construction in-progress 건설중인 자산 建设中인 資產
intangible assets 무형자산 無形資產
goodwill 영업권 營業權(此恐有誤,待勘)
intellectual proprietary rights 공업소유권 工業所有權(有誤,對應Industrial property)
mining rights 광업권 礦業權
fishing rights 어업권 漁業權
land use rights 차지권 借地權
deferred charges 이연자산 移延資產
organization costs 창업비 刱業費
pre-operating costs 개업비 開業費
new stock issurance costs 신주발행비 新株發行費
debenture issurance costs 사채발행비 社債發行費
research and development costs 연구개발비 研究開發費
liabilities 부채 負債
current liabilities 유동부채 流動負債
trade payables 매입채무 買入債務
short-term borrowings 단기 차입금 短期借入金
income taxes payable 미지급 법인세 未支給法人稅
devidends payable 미지급 배당금 未支給配當金
current portion of long-term debts 유동성 장기부채 流動性長期負債
deferred income tax credits 이연법인세대 移延法人稅貸
long-term liabilities 고정부채 固定負債
debentures 사채 社債
discount on debentures issued 사채발행차금 社債發行差金
long-term borrowings 장기 차입금 長期 借入金
long-term trade payable 장기성 매입채무 長期性 買入債務
present value discount account 현재가치 할인차금 現在價值割引差金
liability provisions XX 충당금 Xx充當金
stock holders' equity 자본금 資本金
common stock 보통주 자본금 普通株 資本金
preferred stock 우선주 자본금 優先株 資本金
capital surplus 자본잉여금 資本剩餘金
capital reserves 자본준비금 資本準備金
paid-in capital in excess of par value 주식발행 초과금 株式發行 超過金
gain on capital reduction 감자차익 減資差益
assets revaluation reserve 재평가적립금 再評價積立金
retained earnings 이익잉여금 利益剩餘金
legal reserve 이익준비금 利益準備金
reserve for business rationalization 기업합리화 적립금 企業合理化 積立金
reserve for financial structure improvement 재무구조개선적립금 財務構造改善 積立金
reserve for.......... XX 적립금 XXX積立金
unappropriated retained earnings carried over to subsequent year 차기이월 이익 잉여금 次期移越 利益剩餘金
capital adjustment 자본조정 資本調整
discounts on stock issurance 주식할인 발행차금 株式割引 發行差金
pre-operating dividends 배당건설이자 配當建設利子
treasury stock 자기주식 自己株式
consideration for conversion rights 전환권 대가 轉換權 代價
consideration for stock warrants 신주인수권 대가 新株引受權代價
unissued stock dividends 미교부주식 배당금 未交付株式配當金
gain on valuation of investment in equity securities 투자주식평가이익 投資株式評價利益
overseas operations translation credit 해외사업환산대 海外事業換算貸
accrued expenses 미지급비용 未支給費用
accrued income taxes 미지급법인세 未支給法人稅
accrued dividends 미지급배당금 未支給配當金
accrued income 미수수익 未收收益
acquisition cost 취득가액 取得價額
advance from customers 선수금 先收金
advance payments 선급금 先給金
Allowance 대손충당금 貸損充當金
capital stock 자본금 資本金
conversion right adjustment accounts 전환권 조정계정 轉換權 調整計定
convertible bonds 전환사채 轉換社債
doubtful accounts 매출채권 賣出債權
gross amounts 총액 總額
in aggregate 일괄해서 一括해서
investment assets 투자자산 投資資產
liquidity 유동성배열법 流通性配列法
memorandum accounts 비망계정 備忘計定
netted amounts 순액 純額
prepaid expenses 선급비용 先給費用
product warranties and guarantees 공사보증충당금 工事保證充當金
repairs and maintenance 수선,판매보증충당금 修繕,販賣保證充當金
severance and retirement benefits 퇴직급여충당금 退職給與充當金
stock issurance costs 신주발행비 新株發行費
stockholder's equity 자본 資本[不够精確]
structures 구축물 構築物
suspense payments 가지급금 假支給金
suspense receipts 가수금 假受金
the face value 액면가액 額面價額
treasury bonds 자기사채 自己社債
unearned income 선수수익 先受收益
withholdings 예수 豫受(預受)

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